Born in RI and based in Boston, individual icons creates jewelry that works! Compass rings and pendants set in sterling silver ensure you never lose your way, spirit level earrings keep you in balance, stainless steel ruler bracelets give you the measure of things, and thermometer earrings keep you cool.

individual icons was founded by Rhode Island School of Design graduate and working artist LeeAnn Herreid. She holds a BFA in Jewelry & Light Metals as well as a graduate degree in gemology from the Gemological Institute of America.

individual icons is now owned by Elizabeth Aragao who is honoring LeeAnn's timeless work by bringing it to the next generation of jewelry lovers.

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First bench, 1986

Waiting for a kiln to get up to temperature- Concord Mass workshop, mid eighties

Evaluating display with Mom, Apple Blossom Festival, Bolton Mass 1987

Bench view, Warren, 2014

Gemology Tools: Microscope, Polariscope, refractometer, monochromatic Light source, Spectroscope, Dichroscope.

First bench, 1986

Waiting for a kiln to get up to temperature- Concord Mass workshop, mid eighties

Evaluating display with Mom, Apple Blossom Festival, Bolton Mass 1987

Bench view, Warren, 2014

Gemology Tools: Microscope, Polariscope, refractometer, monochromatic Light source, Spectroscope, Dichroscope.